Saturday, May 19, 2012

Application To Create Firewall Rule [Ubuntu]

Linux is one of the most secure operating system out there. Usually you do not need antivirus, file can not run without your permission, and there are a lot of protection from people with malicious intent. One common tool to system administrators and home users is the firewall.A firewall, in its simplest form, just cut an incoming packet, and see what to do with them, before they are sent to your computer or forwarded elsewhere.Linux kernel already has a filtering system that can accept or reject the package depends on a set of rules, which is basically what you want.By default, Ubuntu and other Linux distributions including iptables utility that can be used to define and manage the firewall rules are applied to network traffic through a computer network. One thing about iptables is that the command line option and it was very confusing in other words, not user friendly.There is some software that can help you configure Linux firewall with ease in one of them is the UFW & Gufw.UFW & GufwFor Ubuntu users there is uncomplicated firewall (also called UFW). UFW is also a command line utility, although it has a simpler syntax. First, you allow or deny all incoming connections / outgoing and then selectively enable or disable traffic on the port or from a particular host or to a particular service. Perhaps an example will make it clearer:UFW allow access to port 8080/tcp in 8080. Similarly UFW menonal 21 for access to all port 21 (or FTP).UFW also has a graphical interface called Gufw. It provides you with a graphical interface that can be used to make the rules, without considering the switch and the option for the UFW. You can install it via the Ubuntu Software Center, or you can use the command sudo apt-get install Gufw.

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